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Be Like the Ocean

J Sheffield

The questions in this poem are directly from and adapted from questions Alixa Garcia posed in a workshop called "A Practice in Becoming Future Ancestors." This is a poem that emerged from my fingertips during the experience. Support Alixa by purchasing Otra Onda Viene; 50% of profit from this print will go to Mujeres Amazónicas.

Be like the ocean

A giant wave of blue and green

Crystal Clear against a bright sky

Sweeping away what did not serve us

Be like a shooting star

Across a purple sky

Find your place

Tell your story


The whole universe is bigger than you


There's nothing more important than that

When you are an ancestor

And you look back

What did you do to heal this lineage?

What did you do to heal this body?

What did you do to heal, communally, and community?

What did you do to heal the collective?

The intergenerational trauma?

Wisdom from streams

From burning wood

From smoke

From slowness.

From sunlight dancing on a dock

From cats stretching slowly in the sun

You built it


A different life

A different way of relating

Of existing

Of prioritizing

Of remembering stillness

Be like a Lotus


Drink in light

Close when you need to

Say a blessing into the universe

Rise and fall with the tide

You cannot control it.

Laugh with your ancestors, blood or chosen

At the absurdity of it all

Laugh with family

Those with whom you've endured hard times and relationships

See them dance and play in the waves

Make time for play

Don't do too much

Don't do everything

The answers will come

or my abbreviated version:

Be like the Ocean

Rise and Fall with the Tide

You cannot control it

The answers will come

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